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Overall, participants for this research study agree that adding other performative art aspects such as dance or music made DSS:Embrace interesting along with enhancing what the Producers were trying to accomplish during the 2017-2018 season; implementing dance and music. Most found the integration augmenting the experience rather than diminishing the experience of live theatre, with most encouraging this implementation for future instalments.


Participants that have had a history with DSS seem to show more passion on how DSS would be able to modify what they have to better future instalments. This is potentially from the emotional connections they have personally made with the theatre company and simply want to see continually prosper in the future. 


What is interesting to note here is that most participants are looking for more of an intertwine of the performative art aspects with the theatre pieces, rather than having them just added into the instalments. The majority kept on mentioning the concept of, "Why is this added here? Why now? Why are they not intertwined together rather than keeping them separate?" This seems to reveal a wanting of better understanding of why these art forms are being added during specific moments in time rather than just accepting the fact they have been added. This seems to relate back to The Urban Bush Women as they integrate a community (African-American) with performance (dance.) DSS is known to reach out to a specific community and is known to be quite successful in combining their community demographic with their instalments and showcasing meanings that will be understood by their community; university students. Along with this, it seems that participants would like the performative art aspects to be a part of the narrative story of the theatre, in hopes to get their understandings to audience members across stronger. This is also a concept that is relatable to The Urban Bush Women, as they focus on their dance in order to convey stories such as homelessness to audiences, without actual dialogue.


Regardless of the few tweaks that should be made in order to get their passions across, participants agree that DSS remains true to their mandate of their inclusivity in their artistic process from start to finish. 

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